A Nonsensical But Relatively Awesome New Editorial [NSFW]


Australian model Abbey Lee and an apparently ageless Susie Bick — that would be Mrs. Nick Cave — star in the 72-year-old English photographer’s delightfully bizarre new i-D spread. Full steam ahead for disability chic, chess, and lots of nudity.

You were warned.

How cool is it that Abbey Lee Kershaw, even as someone who gets photographed (more than occasionally in a state of undress) for a living, still has a regular-lady kind of I-don’t-spend-my-life-worrying-about-my-pubes bush? Shit is obvs tidy, but not edged like a motherfucking Scotts lawn.

I also dig that neither Bailey nor i-D Photoshopped out the veins on the back of her hand. Acknowledging the existence of the human circulatory system is very spring-summer 2011.

Susie and Abbey start off innocently enough, playing doctor.

But it turns out Abbey’s injuries are beyond Susie’s ken.

Presumably, she broke her leg trying to walk in those heels.

Just when it seems like the spread has a whole sub-Newton disability chic thing going on, however, they throw in random stuff like…this.

And, um, this.

I can’t even bring myself to imagine how much it must have tickled when that body paint was applied. Also, it’s like she’s saying, “Look at my eyes. No, my eyes.”

This concludes today’s completely unintelligible (but fairly impressive!) fashion spread. Go in peace, your visual palate refreshed by this momentary break with both narrative conventions and the usual Western mores of dress.

Abbey Lee Kershaw For I-D Winter [Fashion Gone Rogue]

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