Brigitte Bardot Is Not a Fan of #MeToo


Brigitte Bardot has joined the ranks of several French women who believe the #MeToo movement has gotten out of hand and depicts women as weak.

In an interview with Paris Match, translated by France 24 on Wednesday, 83-year-old Bardot called the movement “hypocritical and ridiculous.” She said that “lots of actresses try to play and tease with producers to get a role. And then, so we will talk about them, they say they were harassed.”

Bardot also claimed in the interview that she “was never the victim of sexual harassment. And I found it charming when men told me that I was beautiful or I had a nice little backside.” Which is fine, the problem is imposing that particular interpretation of the events of one’s own life onto the experiences of others, which, I might add, are variable and vast. Although I’ll admit I’m much more at home with Sharon Stone laughing for an eternity at a man who’s just timidly asked her, breath baited, if she might ever have been harassed by a male.

This isn’t too surprising since Bardot has revealed herself to be very conservative in recent years. The Guardian reported that between 1997 and 2008 Bardot was called before French courts five times on “incitement to racial hatred” charges and in one instance received a fine of nearly $20,000. Bardot is also a vocal supporter of Marine Le Pen who leads France’s far-right political party, the National Front.

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