Britney Spears's Sons Bop Along in Her Video for Smurfs 2


“You don’t have to look like a movie star/I think you’re good just the way you are,” Britney Spears sings/high pitch screeches in her song “Ooh La La” for the new Smurfs 2, because apparently the original The Smurfs movie was not enough animated blue people for the world to handle.

For the video for this FFF (Family Friendly Flick), Spears brought her sons Preston and Jayden along, who she’s apparently started early on the hair gel. They are both super cute, especially at the end when they don’t really know what to do and just stand there holding her hands. “I have always loved the Smurfs as a kid and now my boys are the biggest Smurfs fans EVER. I wanted to surprise them with a song in the movie,” she said when news of the song came out in April.

“Ooh La La” is barely tolerable and all but what have they done with her foot tattoo?

I miss the days when she was gyrating with a snake.

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