Even Beauty Queens Can Become Homeless
One month after being crowned Miss Colorado USA, Blair Griffith and her mother were evicted from their home and have been living with a family friend. The 23-year-old was on Today this morning to share her experience, and tell others that anyone is susceptible to falling into similar circumstances, as she’s made homelessness awareness one of her causes. While her story of financial hardship is a sad one—beginning nine years ago with the death of her father, followed by her mother’s heart attack, the family’s eviction, and the news that Griffith will soon lose her job at a retail store that’s closing—I can’t help but think that this is more of a cautionary tale than a relateable one. Despite the fact that Griffith and her mother have been struggling financially for nearly a decade, they didn’t stop pursuing that crown, an expensive endeavor. It reminded me a lot of some situations we see on Toddlers & Tiaras where parents go into debt in order to afford the costs of competing in glitz pageants instead of setting aside money for their daughters’ education or a rainy day. Ultimately, Griffith thinks it’s worth it, as being a contestant in the Miss USA pageant has been her dream for years. But I’m not buying the whole slant that her story is “inspirational.” Maybe I’m just frugal like that.