HBO Announces That the Final Game of Thrones Episodes Won't Air Until 2019
LatestGame of Thrones is a fine show, and a very long one, that won’t bloody end. It refuses to! And on Thursday, HBO officially announced that the final season, a measly six episodes, won’t air until sometime in 2019.
Now, if you pay attention to GoT news, you’re likely already aware there were rumors of a long lag between the final and penultimate seasons. Perhaps this is due to the multiple endings allegedly being shot to stave off prying hackers; or maybe producers have employed focus groups and algorithms to determine the maximum amount of time they have to milk interest in the show before it begins to deflate. I already forgot about it!
This also gives viewers and critics some additional time to consider the show’s legacy—time we honestly don’t need. As Variety reporter Maureen Ryan pointed out on Twitter just after the news was announced, the show’s direction, writing, and production has overwhelmingly been executed by a homogenous group: white dudes. The last six episodes apparently will not deviate from this pattern.
That GoT often features scenes of gratuitous rape and violence against women, and is so highly decorated with awards, and was mostly made by men will no doubt be a portion of what people remember about it. I think it can be thrilling and impressive in all kinds of ways, but the feeling I ultimately leave with after watching an episode (or few), is just no feeling at all. Desensitized, like a snow zombie in a snow dungeon. Or maybe that’s just how it feels being in New York City today, I lost track.
The final season began shooting in October and is expected to continue shooting until mid-2018. After that, the spin-offs begin.