Jennifer Aniston Made Justin Theroux Ditch His Beloved STD Memorabilia

CelebritiesDirt Bag

Lest we think Justin Theroux is little more than a B-list actor completely devoid of personality, before he got together with the Ol’ Ball and Chain Jennifer Aniston, he had a yen for old-timey STD wax figures, he told GQ.

“I have these beautiful wax-museum pieces—handmade, from the 1800s—from a museum of curiosities. They’re just these open mouths, with tongues, and in the throats are different stages, labeled, of syphilis and gonorrhea and whatever… Those definitely found a great place in my office in L.A. They weren’t going to be above the fireplace anytime soon.”

Oh see, I would be all, Love me, love my creepy syphilis throats, but yeah, that is probably the mature thing to do. [Us Weekly, full story at GQ]

Gwyneth Paltrow, whose best side has repeatedly been brought out on Chelsea Lately, admitted a weakness for social smoking and Chick-Fil-A. (Only when brought to her on 40-carat free-range organic gold plates.) [E!]

Earlier this month Russell Brand said something vomitrocious to the Guardian about being in love again (“Now, I’m not typically immune to the allure of objectified women, but I am presently beleaguered by a nerdish, whirling dervish, and am eschewing all others”). Said dervish has now been revealed as British heiress and Hugh Grant’s ex Jemima Khan. K. [NYDN]

Cher turned down an offer to perform at the Russian Olympics: “I have gay fans that have kept me working and given me a livelihood when nobody else was thinking I was that hot. In my low points they have never left.” IIIIITS BURRRLEEEEEEESSSSSQQQQ—*falls off cliff* [ET Online]

Headline of the day, and strong contender for Headline of the Year: “Wacka Flocka Has a Diagnosis For Gucci Mane: He ‘Lost His Noodles'” [MTV]

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