Reader Roundup


Today’s Bestie is sweet and bubbly:

Best Comment Of The Day, in response to Badvertising: “In the next front of the cola wars, Coke will issue ads featuring a Sarah Palin look-alike, hunting down a Frito with a gun because those Godless chips will Lay anything.” You Say: “But if one of them gets knocked up, gosh darn it, that little Sprite deserves to be born.” • Worst, in response to Kerry Washington: Gucci, Poochie, Coo: “Forget the Gucci and that rat passing as a dog. I <3 her shirt. Pretty! I'm sorry, but if your dog weighs less than 10 lbs, it does not officially qualify as a real dog. Of course, my parents dog is a 165 lb St. Bernard and is the BEST. DOG. EVER. So I'm a little biased." I say: Ixnay on the uppy-pay size discrimination! Small dogs are still dogs. My friend R2 is four and a half pounds of love:

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