Reader Roundup


Monday’s comments are full of grace.

Best Comment Of The Day, in response to Young Unwilling To Part With Edwards Sex Tape: “Is a sex tape really necessary? Every time I look at Edwards I see a dick.” • Best Comment Of The Day, in response to Does Heidi Klum Make Maternity Unitard Work?: “My current pregnancy style is more Edie Beale and less Heidi Klum. I actually went grocery shopping yesterday in a summer dress and old fur coat, because it was the only thing my swollen, cranky ass felt like wearing. Unless Heidi suddenly breaks into ‘Tea for Two’ and wants to discuss cats, I highly doubt I’m her target demographic.” • Best Comment Of The Day, in response to Woes Of Bros: Super Bowl Ads Star Pathetic Men – And The Women Who Ruined Them :

I will get up an hour earlier than you so I can shower, make breakfast and get the kids ready before you even get up, I will make some fruit for your breakfast so you can stay healthy and alive, I will shave almost my entire body for you and pay someone to rip hairs out of my most sensitive parts, I will work 24 hours a day, every day, I will sit through 2-hour midnight feedings, I will let it roll off my back when I’m treated differently in my workplace, I will work just as hard as my colleagues but make much less than half of them, I will say yes (most of the time) even when I don’t feel like it, I will take your call, I will listen to your mindless chattering about sports, I will listen to your friends’ mindless chattering about sports, I will be civil to your mother, I will usually ignore it when you leave the seat up (again), I will go see the Fast and The Furious 27: Badass Tricycles with you, I will do the grocery shopping, I will carry all your crap around in my huge purse that you hate, I will watch your gossipy sports shows, I will wear something cute in bed, I will buy and wear nice-but uncomfortable-underwear, I will diet and work my butt off in the gym so I can look nice for you, and because I do this, I want a little god-damned respect. Respect-(one of) women’s ( not-even-close-to-being) last stand.

Reminder: If you see a great, funny, insightful, eloquent (or awful) comment, nominate it! Email the comment and the timestamp link to the left of the comment to Hortense at [email protected].

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