Reader Roundup: Anything Is Possible When You Vote Like An Old Spice Man


In today’s best comments, we learned there’s a delicious way to maintain your dignity while being manhandled by a TSA agent, and considered the possibility of Obama delivering a speech shirtless on a horse.

Best Comment Of The Day, in response to Travel Pasties Supposedly Hide Your Ladybits From Airport Scanners:

That’s it, I’m starting Flying Pastries.
Now you can protect your sister, your girlfriend or yourself with delicious pastries that cover your private parts. Just stick two doughnuts and a bear claw on the appropriate areas before entering the x-ray machine. The creamy frosting is made to keep the pastries in place while you’re being scanned! Did you know that you can ask for a pat down? Just remove your doughnuts and bear claw and enjoy a tasty snack while you’re being manhandled by a TSA agent. And don’t forget…there’s enough to share! Nothing says “thanks for that cavity search” quite like a flaky pastry, warmed on your own loins!
So call now! Operators are standing by! Or visit our website
*Crullers in your choice of sizes available for men.

**Some restrictions may apply.

Best Comment Of The Day, in response to Did Obama Prepare America For The Old Spice Guy?:

Obama paving the way for Isaiah Mustafa? No. Isaiah Mustafa has prepared the way for the greatest Obama speech of all time.
Hello voters. Look at your congressman. Now back to me. Now back at your congressman. Now back to me. Sadly, he isn’t me, but if you stopped voting Republican and switched to the Democratic party, he could be from the same party as me. Look down. Now up. Where are you? You’re in a voting booth with the man whose party your congressman could be from. Look at your hand. I have it. Back at me. It’s ballot that voted for Democratic candidates. Look again. The ballot is now the money Democratic tax cuts saved 95 percent of Americans this year. Anything is possible when you vote for the Democratic party. I’m on a horse.

Reminder: If you see a great, funny, insightful, eloquent (or awful) comment, nominate it! Email the comment and the timestamp link to the left of the comment to Hortense at [email protected].

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