Sarah Palin Loved Knocked Up And Juno
LatestHey, remember when people were concerned about the summary way abortion was treated in Juno and Knocked Up? Sarah Palin loved that shit. Especially because it wasn’t all “European.” God bless America.
As everyone pores over the leaked excerpts, here are our “favorites” gleaned from America By Heart:
- Oh look, it is a dig at Michelle Obama for hating whitey. “Certainly his wife expressed this view when she said during the 2008 campaign that she had never felt proud of her country until her husband started winning elections. In retrospect, I guess this shouldn’t surprise us, since both of them spent almost two decades in the pews of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church listening to his rants against America and white people.”
- Via The Washington Post, we learn that Palin praises Juno and Knocked Up‘s “subversive moral messages”: “A European movie might have had Juno get her abortion in the opening scene and then spend the next hour and fifteen minutes smoking cigarettes and pondering the meaning of life. It would have been depressing and boring.” Thinking is so boring!
- She agrees with the president of NARAL — about the alleged apathy of young women about abortion rights. The girls and women among [pro-lifers] are not buying yesterday’s orthodoxy about the inextricable link between abortion and women’s liberation. No matter how many times the feminist establishment tells them to sit down and shut up, they show no signs of doing so. Let the debate over the true meaning of feminism begin.”
- She gave up chocolate for a year, just ’cause. Make of that what you will.
- She says, “We may be creating a generation of entitled little whiners.” Some of us may!
Lots more in several posts at PalinGates.
Related: Sarah Palin Slams Michelle Obama In Racially Charged Passage From New Book [Huffington Post]
Proof That Powerful Feminists Are Enabling Conservative Faux-Feminism [Jessica Valenti]
Sarah Palin’s New Book: All The Juicy Parts [WP]
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