Sonia Sotomayor Bumped into Hillary Clinton at a Costco
LatestWhen Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor walked into a Costco in Arlington, Virginia, she probably wasn’t expecting much exciting. Maybe a twofer sale on those Olay face cream bottles (but only the SPF ones no one wants anyway), maybe a couple gallons of milk, hell maybe even one of those 15-person tents hanging from the ceiling. Instead, she got Hillary Clinton.
That’s right, Hillary Clinton was at the very same Costco signing copies of her new memoir. This is literally a pair of mom jeans’ dream come true. It looks like Sotomayor made off with a copy, but not before Hillary complimented her on her own book My Beloved World.
I’m hoping that after this meeting of American woman power, they each took a different route to collect all the free food samples. POSADA CHIMICHANGAS FOREVER.