The Department of Education Is Investigating Yale University for, of all Things, Discriminating Against Men


Betsy DeVos’s Department of Education—its civil rights office (OCR) to be precise—is now, get this, investigating Yale University over a Title IX complaint alleging the institution discriminates against men.

The doctoral student who filed the complaint, one Kursat Pegkoz, doesn’t even go to Yale. Independent student newspaper Yale Daily News, which reported the story, writes that Pegkoz is attending the University of Southern California. Pegkoz has reportedly filed similar complaints against two other universities, including USC, and is in no way affiliated with Yale.

The complaint against Yale was reportedly filed in February, and alleges that the institution violated Title IX in operating 17 programs and scholarships only open to women. The OCR began investigating the complaint on April 26, according to a spokesperson for the department, and notified Pekgoz that they would be examining seven of the 17 initiatives he claimed “exclude or otherwise discriminate against men.”

The seven initiatives being scrutinized, according to the Yale Daily News are: Women Faculty Forum, Working Women’s Network, the Yale University Women’s Organization, Yale Women’s Campaign School, Yale Women Innovators, Smart Women Securities, and Women Empowering Women Leadership Conference.

Pegkoz tries to argue in his complaint that women are no longer underrepresented in the student body, so programs and scholarships that exclusively benefit women are now intolerable, or something. He’s also urging Yale to adopt a gender-blind admissions policy. He puts it like this: “The main debate here is how to define the underrepresented sex and for us the main argument that you should look at [is] the overall enrollment rate.”

Pekgoz told Refinery29 in an interview on Tuesday that he filed the complaint for “no particular reason.” He continued, “I thought about going after Harvard, but then I felt that Yale has larger affirmative action programs for women.” And the kicker? The Yale Daily News reports that Pekgoz says he once identified as a feminist “until he gradually realized that the fundamental assumptions of feminism are no longer valid.” Quick, where is this man’s genius grant for painting himself into a corner.

Supporting this entitled, sexist drivel is the sort of activity one would expect of the Trump administration. The fact that Lolade Siyonbola—the black Yale student who awoke from a nap in a common room to find her white classmate had called the cops on her—is still waiting for some accountability, makes it stand out as all the more brazen.

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