World Captivated By Duke "Fuck List"


The Duke! Fuck! List! Even though it was first shared with the world eight days ago, folks are trying to put together the pieces and figure out what it all means. Can we finally get some answers up in here?

Eh, not really. Particularly since there’s not a ton to be confused about. But for the random individuals who don’t spend all day pointing and giggling at their monitors and still haven’t heard about all of this, the New York Times has decided to cover the story. Meanwhile, the Duke’s student paper, The Chronicle, reports that the Duke student government president is “disappointed to see national media outlets like The New York Times and NBC’s Today Show on campus covering the situation.” But hey, at least NBC has been interviewing Duke students when the campus is looking particularly lovely, with everyone bathed in warm, golden sunlight (see below). It makes this story seem so much more wholesome.

Speaking of the Today Show, for the second day in a row they covered Karen Owen’s “thesis,” focusing today on the social implications of a young woman laughing about and celebrating her own sex life. When they hear about bare ankles and necking, shit is really going to hit the fan. But at least they had our own Irin Carmon on to break it down a bit.

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And then we’ve got some quarterbacking from legal analyst-cum-ladybook writer Dan Abrams and psychologist Judith Sales (different clip, even if it’s the same silly graphic).

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Duke Winces As A Private Joke Slips Out Of Control [NYT]
Sex List Draws Media To Duke [The Chronicle]

Earlier: College Girl’s PowerPoint “Fuck List” Goes Viral
Excited HarperCollins Editor Says “Fuck List” Author Is “Female Tucker Max”
Duke “Fuck List” Author Gets The Today Show Treatment

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