16 & Pregnant Reunion: Dr. Drew Goes Easy On Worst Mom Ever


On last night’s reunion special of 16 & Pregnant, Kayla, the teen whose history of anorexia complicated her pregnancy, sat down to discuss her episode with Dr. Drew. While her eating disorder played a large part of her story, her situation was exacerbated by her mother, a woman who essentially abandoned Kayla—even though she was still a minor at the time—to take up with her boyfriend. Kayla’s mother also requested rent from her teenage daughter but didn’t become concerned when the heat was turned off. Worst of all, just weeks after Kayla gave birth, her mother suggested that they go on a mother/daughter diet together because Kayla would would be a great partner for such a venture, consider how disciplined she is after what’s she’s “been through”—meaning being hospitalized for anorexia. The hope was that Dr. Drew would rip this woman a new asshole, or at the very least, grill her about not only her neglect, but her total insensitivity to her daughter’s issues. Instead, all managed to do was get a half-assed apology out of her.

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