Ariana Grande's Signature Starbucks Drink Is NOT Vegan, OK?

CelebritiesDirt Bag

The Ariana Grande-inspired Cloud Macchiato, Starbucks’s latest attempt to create an Instagram-able beverage and connect with the youth, is definitely not vegan. The ingredients list, per BuzzFeed, reveals that the “cloud powder” (which makes the drink fluffier than a regular macchiato) and the caramel sauce both contain animal by-products. Which means if Ariana Grande is still keeping up with dietary changes she made in 2013, even she can’t drink it. Scandal!

In November 2013, Grande tweeted that while she ate “minimal” meat anyway, she had decided to go “100% vegan.” In an interview with the Mirror, she elaborated that she loves “animals more than I love most people” and that she is a “firm believer in eating a full plant-based, whole food diet that can expand your life length and make you an all-round happier person.”

This is not ironclad evidence that Grande still keeps a vegan diet—I’m a “firm believer” that taking a 20-minute walk every day will make me happier person, but I don’t do it every day. But maybe she is, because while promoting the Cloud Macchiato, she suggested her fans try the “#trythesoyversion.”

Unfortunately, that still wouldn’t make it vegan, which has fans and baristas alike upset. My advice: Just order a regular coffee!


Us Weekly unearthed this gem from a 2016 Lori Loughlin interview, in which the actor describes her parenting style. Weirdly, no mention of allegedly doing crimes to get her kids into college:

“I would say that I am loving but that I am firm,” the 54-year-old exclusively told Us in 2016. “I would say that … I am available, and they have access to me. I am involved, but I am not hovering. I’m there to guide. I think I’m funny, but they don’t. But I still make that joke. They kind of roll their eyes at me, but I am funny. I’m funny! And they’re like, ‘No, you’re not.’ But anyways, we have fun. We have a good time together.”

Loughlin does clarify that she is not her daughters’ friend, a description I would overall agree with based on the recent college admissions fraud accusations against her:

Loughlin then turned serious. “Listen, I am not their friend,” she added. “I am here. I am their mother. I’m here to guide them, and I think that is first and foremost. … Look, I try to instill good values and be a good person, and for the most part, I have to say that my girls, they are good people. They are good people. They have good hearts.”

Unfortunately, those good values did not seem to include loving school, because Olivia Jade definitely does not.

[Us Weekly]

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