Belly Dancing Blogger Bust Proves Once Again That The Internet Is Not A Secret Clubhouse


A woman who had been receiving alimony payments from her ex husband due to the fact that she claimed to be too disabled to work full time was actually not physically debilitated at all, at least according to her blog devoted to how much she loved belly dancing.

According to the New York Post,

Despite claims that she couldn’t work, rarely left home and rarely socialized because of injuries from a 1996 car accident, Dorothy McGurk, 43, was belly-dancing at home and in Manhattan for hours a day — and then spending several more hours a day blogging about.
“My belly dancing is the reason why I adore myself so much . . . That comes from hours of dancing and classes . . . It’s been a three-and-a-half year journey of realigning my spine (and hardware), body, mind and spirit with belly dancing for me…”

Turns out, everyone with access to a computer can access the internet. Including lawyers. Especially lawyers.

Ms. McGurk’s ex husband was, as a result of her belly dancing blog, excused from fulfilling his previous commitment to pay her $850 per month for the rest of her life and was instead ordered to pay her $200 for the next two years.

How many secret internet life roads must we walk down before we realize that the internet is not secret? The answer, my friends, is blowing in the wind.

Belly Dancer in $upport Dupe [NYP]

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