Bookstore Seeking to Return 'Heartfelt Letter' Found in a Used Book
LatestPeople tuck all sorts of things into books and promptly forget where they left them. Which is probably how one Boston bookstore ended up with “heartfelt letter” it’s now trying to return to its original owner.
The Boston Globe reports that the employees of Brookline Booksmith were leafing through a recently acquired used book when out fell a note. “We get a lot of things—anything that’s been used as a bookmark,” said Lydia McOscar, one of the store’s used book buyers. (The shop has an entire blog dedicated to found ephemera, and it’s delightful.) “This is one of the more personal items.”
[McOscar] wouldn’t reveal the full contents of the letter, written on blue and purple construction paper. But she provided some clues about what it says.
“Lili,” the writer, references a trip to Venice. The text of the undated letter to “Emily,” found in a black-and-white photography book by Walker Evans, quotes the poem “Ode on Melancholy” by John Keats.
If you’re missing some correspondence, give ’em a holler:
Image via Zoltan Zempleni/Shutterstock.
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