Dior Handbags Not Helped By David Lynch "Film"


Lady Blue Shanghai, is, in true David Lynch form, a weird, surreal tale, starring Marion Cotillard and complete with moody music and wafting smoke. But unlike Lynch’s other films, this one is really a commercial. For Dior.

Louis Vuitton and Prada have made short internet films pushing handbags before, but Dior doesn’t just attempt to dazzle with existential meaning or trippy animation. No, the draw here? Noted director Lynch and award-winning actress Cotillard. On the one hand, it’s genius; Dior may have paid Lynch and Cotillard a hefty sum for the project, but since the clip’s online for free, the brand doesn’t have to bother with ad space on a major network.

It’s a trick, though — because while it may be intriguing to see what kind of story Lynch has cooked up, what kind of heroine Marion is and how the bag and the city of Shanghai all fit together, in the end, you realize that you have willingly watched a sixteen-minute commercial. In an age of trigger-happy fast-forward fingers and DVR! It’s sixteen minutes you’ll never get back, and you could have used it to ask your boss for a raise, buy some stock or look into phone sex work — you’ll need some extra cash if you really want the ugly, shiny, awkwardly square patent leather bag, which retails for £1,360 ($2,009). Dapper Chinese lover not included.Watch Marion Cotillard And David Lynch’s Short Film About A Dior Handbag [New York]

Related: Lady Dior Handbag [Dior]

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