Female Anchor Makes Fun Of Co-Host's Penis
Australian news anchor Belinda Heggen took a tiny trophy as an opportunity to make fun of co-host Mark Aiston‘s penis. Unexpected, perhaps, but still not cool.
Given the sheer ubiquity of small-dick jokes on film and TV, it’s tempting to snicker at Heggen’s. But derogatory comments about women’s bodies are disturbingly ubiquitous on television too — as sportscaster Andy Gray’s high-profile on-air harassment of his coworker makes clear. And protecting women from these kinds of invasive remarks means protecting men too. Rather than asking whether the two have “history,” as the Huffington Post does, we should be asking whether Heggen’s been disciplined.
Belinda Heggen Mocks Co-Host Mark Aiston’s Manhood Live On Air (VIDEO) [Huffington Post]
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