Fun-Lovin' Moms Invited To Embarrass Themselves & Their Daughters On TV


495 Productions, responsible for quality programming such as Jersey Shore, Tool Academy and Shot At Love, is searching for outgoing mother/daughter duos from across the country. The ladies should be highly social. And by social, I mean sloppy drunks. The casting notice reads, in part:

“She’s the talk of the town, the queen of the night, she beats the beat and leaves no bottle left unopened… She is the total party animal… and she’s your mom!”

But wait! There’s more!

“Do your guy friends hit on your mom? Do you have to sneak out to parties so she doesn’t tag along? Does she rock a mini skirt and shamelessly dare to bare? Whether you love your mom’s wild ways or hate her too-hot-to-handle behavior, we want to hear from you… Whether you party together, take turns taking care of one another, or avoid each other out of embarrassment, this is your opportunity to let it all out!”

You can already picture what this is going to look like. A little Real Housewives , a little Jersey Shore, a litte Rock Of Love. Women in skimpy clothes, making questionable decisions. Here’s the thing: When a man dresses younger than his age, ingests mind-altering substances and dates women 20 years his junior, he is “winning.” Just ask Charlie Sheen, Hugh Hefner, et al. Mature ladies dating, drinking or partying are to be treated as wacky amusement — see Meryl Streep in Mamma Mia! or Meryl Streep in It’s Complicated. But there’s no doubt that the moms (and daughters) on this yet-to-be-named “party animal” show will be mocked mercilessly. Best-case scenario? Some bazen, witty, don’t-need-nothin-but-a-good-time mom will emerge as a true, liberated, don’t-give-a-fuck heroine instead of a joke. But that’s probably up to whomever is in charge of the editing. (And we can’t be sure how the daughter will feel… Just ask Saffron Monsoon.)

EXCLUSIVE: Party Animal Moms Wanted for New Reality Show [Fox News]

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