Hillary and Chelsea Go to Hollywood

Hillary and Chelsea Go to Hollywood
Image:Getty Images

Hillary and Chelsea Clinton are possibly out of politics (good) and are on their way to Hollywood (okay?): the two are forming a production company and will venture into television and film projects for women.

Bloomberg reports that the mother-daughter duo plan to use their upcoming projects to “influence culture and society now that Hillary Clinton is out of politics.” Clinton is already acting as executive-producer to the Steven Spielberg television adaptation of The Woman’s Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Vote, a book about the suffrage movement in the United States.

So, is Hollywood the new retirement plan for Democratic politicians? Kind of seems like it! From Bloomberg:

The Clintons are following in the footsteps of the Obamas. Former President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle created a production company, Higher Ground Productions, and have a deal at Netflix Inc. Their first slate of shows includes an adaptation of Michael Lewis’s book about federal bureaucracy, as well as a drama series about the world of fashion.

This new trend isn’t exactly surprising, but I still wish they’d go true crime instead. One woman’s opinion.

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