Honey Boo Boo Goes Dumpster Diving


Much has been made of how terrible Here Comes Honey Boo Boo is for society, with critics’ opinions of the family alternating between concern and condescension. But whether they believe Mama June’s brood is being unjustly exploited or dangerously exalted, what most seem to agree upon is that this show involves an element of “trash.” Never one to let her conduct be determined by naysayers (unless, of course, it’s CPS), Mama essentially farted in the face of critique when she allowed TLC’s cameras to film her family going “shopping at the local department store,” which was apparently a euphemism for dumpster diving.

Mama called into TMZ Live yesterday to discuss how haters make her stronger. She sounded very secure, even as Harvey Levin—who, oddly, seems like a true supporter—mentioned the bugs on her forklift foot.

In other Honey Boo Boo news, Alana celebrated her 7th birthday this week with a silly string war in the Walmart parking lot.

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