I'm Inspired by Catherine Zeta-Jones Saying She's 'Done Apologizing' for Being Beautiful
LatestThe quest for confidence and ability to own each and every inch of one’s personhood is a lifelong journey. Some days we are up, and others, very down. Today, I urge you to draw inspiration, as I have, from Catherine Zeta-Jones, who is sick and tired of apologizing for being a beautiful, famous, successful woman.
“One thing I’m not is humble any more,” she told the Mirror, sounding very much like a Facebook post written by your high school arch nemesis who sells Rodan & Fields and posts self-satisfied portraits of her elder son, Archer, and younger twins, Athabasca and Temecula. “I’m sick of being humble,” the actress continued. “I really am. ‘So sorry I’m rich, so sorry I’m married to a movie star, so sorry I’m not so bad looking.”
Humility, in small measured doses, is appreciated and necessary, but false humility is the work of the devil. Catherine Zeta-Jones, the star of Chicago not nominated for an Academy Award, understands this innately, taking the concept of humility and running with it to its foregone conclusion.
From Page Six:
“…[The] rest of my life is a joy because I’ve got two beautiful kids and a healthy, happy husband,” the actress, 48, said. “It’s all good, and I’m not going to be humble for that either.”
Yas, Catherine. Say more.
She’s also boasted of collecting houses. “Some people collect art or lots of money,” she said in 2009. “We collect houses because if we have to look at something, we prefer the view.”
Of course, this is not without its problems.
“The worst thing about having all these houses is that when I have an outfit and I think it’s going to look great with a certain pair of shoes, I remember they’re in … some place I’m not,” she mused. “So that’s why I have to buy duplicates.”
I don’t care if these are the ravings of a celebrity’s inflated ego, out of touch with reality and incapable of relating to most normal people—it is precisely the flavor of empowerment that I crave.
Catherine…thank you.