James Franco Spits Out All Sorts Of Conflicts Of Interest


Quoth the polymath, “Two white people… How many time have you seen the story where two white people can’t be together? How many times have you seen that story? Romeo and Juliet! It’s 400 years old!” And that’s for starters.

In an interview with Elvis Mitchell, Franco explains why 27 Hours schools The Social Network (although he admits “I’m biased”):

Look, Social Network is about new technology and how people are communicating now? Or it’s supposed to be? They don’t deal with any of that! It’s a very classically structured movie and classically made movie. 127 Hours is about a guy — one single character in a single place. That is like the cutting edge of moviemaking. Short of, like, doing it in 3-D or something. […] I think the movie’s perfect. The fact that people are scared shows they just want the old. They want more of the old, boring stuff.

We’re sure there’s no written rule about it (and let’s face it, Oscar hosts aren’t customarily in Best Picture fodder) but isn’t it kind of bad form to trash the competition when you’re running the show? On the other hand, it kind of gets us more excited about Oscar night.

VIDEO: New Oscar Nominee James Franco Takes On Social Network, Touts ‘Perfect’ 127 Hours [MovieLine]

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