Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels Debut Their Performance in Canadian Soap
On Tuesday’s Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon shared another clip from the bold Canadian soap opera Jacob’s Patience which he appeared in alongside Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels and some unusual looking arms.
“I wasn’t allowed to show my arms unless I was being paid,” said Carrey. “What can I say. That’s standard stuff.” I’m sorry you guys, but this joke gets old after about two minutes but it carries on for eight minutes.(I AM TRULY SORRY FOR REAL.) But I know lots of people love this bit from Fallon and look on the bright side—if you like the joke, you’ve got almost a full eight minutes of solid laughs! The pair are of course making the talk show rounds promoting Dumb and Dumber To. The best thing about this clip is how much it will reaffirm your belief that Jeff Daniels wins everything at all times ever, no matter what he’s asked to do.
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