Land's End Catalog Cover Photoshops Perfect Dorito-Shaped Thigh Gap


It pains me to be the bearer of tragic news, but it appears that another brutal catalog swimsuit model thigh gapping has occurred. This one’s on the cover of the latest Land’s End catalog.

A reader alerted us (and a staffer who still gets catalogs in the mail* confirmed) that this month’s LE did some creative limb-chopping with the the woman in the one piece bathing suit on its cover. Note the oddly angular thigh gap, and the disparity in the size of her thighs; her left thigh is oddly oranger and slimmer than her right one. Also human legs don’t look like that.

We looked for the model elsewhere in the issue, but couldn’t find her. We think. Inside, the model wearing the same suit is blonde like the cover model and has similarly shaped eyes and brows, but appears significantly less tan and has a totally different waist-to-pelvis-to-thigh ratio. If they’re the same model, then whoever is in charge of sprucing up the Land’s End cover needs to slow their photoshop roll.

More important than the mystery of the mysterious morphing (or missing!) cover girl is calling out photo enhanced thigh gaps for what they are: an insidious force that places unreasonable pressure on thigh gaps everywhere to be triangle-shaped. It’s not possible, gaps. Just be yourselves!


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