Laura Bush Was "The Old Maid Of Midland"
LatestWhen Laura Bush started talking about her “romance with George” on Oprah today, we expected nausea to set in. But Mrs. Bush actually showed a little spark of feminism.
In the clip above, she notes that while “Bushie” was considered an “eligible bachelor” when they got together, she was “the old maid of Midland” — though they were both 31! While Bush showed some spunk in her mockery of Midland mores, the rest of the show was pretty much what you might expect. Oprah served up a lovefest of softball questions for Laura and the twins (Jenna loves reading!), followed by a video tour of the Bushes’ Crawford ranch, where Laura and her husband pass the time by putting together rented puzzles. Maybe if Laura’s book sells, they can actually buy some.
Earlier: Laura Bush’s New Memoir: Car Crashes, Sarah Palin, And Really Gross Nicknames