Law Firm Forced To Work With "Uppity Bitch" Who Was A Grammar Nazi


The breakup of a small law firm in Texas has revealed some gross and amazing details and none of it is pretty.

A recent lawsuit filed by former partners in the Ferrer Tu & Payne firm in Houston show some pretty batshitcrazy things went on:

In early January, Warrenson Payne and Nancy Chong (formerly Nancy Tu)
of the disbanded law firm Ferrer Tu & Payne brought suit against
ex-partner Ada Ferrer, claiming that she’d drained the firm’s accounts
before scampering off to join a competitor firm. Payne and Chong
further alleged that Ferrer had an especially “caustic attitude” and was
“highly derogatory” to firm employees. Ferrer, of course, denied that
categorization of herself and her actions, saying that she was
“authorized to obtain funds.” Drama.

Ferrer has now
filed a counterclaim against the firm, alleging her former partner was basically inept and a terrible manager. Ferrer
alleges Payne used firm funds to “pay for strip club outings,” and more.

[Ferrer] also alleges Payne was “not capable” of professionally preparing written correspondence, billing, pleadings or briefs.
“When confronted about his inability to write legal papers, Payne
called Ferrer an ‘uppity bitch’ and stated, ‘Nobody cares about grammar’
and further stated ‘grammar is for old people,'” Ferrer alleges in the
answer and counterclaim.

OK, so everyone got that? Lawyers think grammar is total bullshit and firm money should go to strippers. Sure, that sounds about right! BTW, what the hell is going on with the law profession lately? Is it something in the water they’re drinking or what?

Image via Shutterstock

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