McDonalds Steps in to Feed the Horny Swedes
Swedish people get a half-priced meal at McDonalds this weekend if they bring a date and get spicy like chicken nuggets.
EntertainmentSaturday Night SocialIf you were on Twitter this past week or perhaps are from Sweden, you know that the Swedes engage in a particular form of torture: not feeding their guests who stay over, even as the hosts themselves are eating. Myself and approximately 144,000 other people were horrified to learn this.
But an American hero has stepped up to the plate—or rather, stepped up with a plate—to encourage Swedes to eat together socially again. McDonalds is offering to pick up half of the check if a Swede brings a date there there this weekend.
The incentive isn’t actually a response to the viral tweet, but the timing sure is suspicious. Basically, McDonalds is running an ad campaign claiming they want to “resurrect post-pandemic love lives” by doling out half-off coupons to couples to have their dates at the chain.
“We saw the return of our popular and well-seasoned Spicy Chicken McNuggets as a great opportunity to also ‘spice up’ people’s love lives,” Staffan Ekstam, marketing and communications director at McDonald’s Sweden, told Adweek. Ah, I see what you did there, Staffan.
They even made a very horny chicken nugget commercial that frankly doesn’t make me horny or want chicken nuggets. I don’t need a fancy dinner to ignite my loins, but McDonalds just doesn’t do it for me. I’m more of a Dairy Queen or Sonic Drive-In gal.
But the beauty of the vast spectrum of human sexuality (Happy Pride!) is that maybe there are some Swedes out there for whom this is *exactly* what does it for them. A romantic night hovered over spicy chicken mcnuggs while a child pees in the ball pit ten feet away from you. Or just, you know, cheaper already cheap food.
Anyway, if you went on a date to a McDonalds in Sweden this weekend, please hit me up. I need to know how McHorny the McVibes got.