Military Members Surprise Family On Holidays With Best Possible Gift


It’s not officially the holiday season until we start getting a barrage of happy holiday surprise videos, and this one absolutely doesn’t disappoint.

I don’t even have kids. Or family in the military. Or loved ones. (Do parole officers count?) But dang y’all. This really got to me. I love the kids freaking out about the giant huge boxes and then freaking out all over again when…well, I’ll just let you watch the video and see for yourself.

Side note: Remember how totally awesome big huge boxes were on Christmas? You were always like OMG THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING GOOD IN THERE AAAHHHH. Because your mom wouldn’t put socks and underwear in a box that big, you know?

Anyway, I have to, ummm…go over here and take care of something I seem to have gotten in my eye.

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