Must Love Dogs: Model Gets Awfully Cuddly With Pup In Canadian Boutique's Shoot
LatestIf you think the model in this editorial for Canadian boutique Ssense is enjoying her dog’s company a little bit too much, you should see the rest of the shoot. (Borderline NSFW).
Clothes mostly by Alexander Wang, whose name I cannot bring myself to pun on. The dog’s name is Jackson.
The site’s commenters are divided on whether this constitutes bestiality chic or something more exalted. One was inspired to wax rather eloquent:
For the simple or corrupt minded i will explain how these series of pictures actually tell a story, a beautiful story which every one can relate to. a story of boy meets girl. Pic 1 woman is clearly trying to attract a mate, which is clear by her accentuating her beautiful body with sexy clothing. The dog represents the inner beast in every man which is brought forth. You can see them in a lustful embrace, the start of every relationship. pic2 He longs for her yet she plays hard to get. but eventually he is clearly successful as we can see in the 3rd pic. She as total control of him. He is not a beast any longer, but rather HER BITCH!
Right. There’s more here, along the same lines. As it turns out, this shoot is by the same photography team — Leda & St. Jacques — that just brought us the much-lauded Elle Canada shoot with Crystal Renn. Their rep has agreed to make them available for an interview this weekend to shed some more light. Your questions for them in the comments.
Puppy Love [SSense]
Related: Leda & St. Jacques [Official Site]