My God, Your Wedding Shoes Are SPECTACULAR

In Depth

Well now, how in the world could I have been expected to pick just a few favorites among the literal hundreds of amazing wedding footwear styles you shared with us?!? Every pair was perfect and stunning and unique in its own way, and there was no way to choose the best. So I didn’t!

Instead, this week I’m sending you directly down to the comments to OOH and AAH over all the great photos. I spent my coffee hour this morning un-graying everyone — I figured that way, lots of people would be out of the grays AND you could easily scan all of the pictures. Win-win! Also this comment nicely sums things up, don’t you think?


just wanted to say that I’ve only read through about a 10th of the stories and you all rock. I want to go to a Jezzie wedding. Why does everyone I know think white satin (aka shoes they would NEVER wear IRL) are the only way to go?

And we should end with this great story:


What was even cooler than the shoes, though, was what was inside one of them. My mother-in-law’s grandmother traveled to England in the early 1900s and picked up a sixpence for her wedding (since the original final line of the “something old, something new” poem is “and a silver sixpence in your shoe”), and that sixpence has since been passed down in the family for all the weddings of her descendants. That sixpence was in the shoe of my great-grandmother-in-law at her wedding, my grandmother-in-law at her wedding, my mother-in-law and all four of her sisters at all of their weddings, and a bunch of the cousins and their brides in this current generation. I thought it was so special to be able to take part in their family tradition like that. <3

Wait no, I take it back: we should end by saying BEST WISHES!!! to TyrannosaurusBataar who is getting married this weekend in these kate spade glittered numbers!

Top: Jessi03‘s awesome Wonder Woman wedding shoes.

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