New Live-In Boyfriendland Sure Is Exciting


Here’s a little quiz: When you’re in the middle of a relationship-building session of Wii Tennis with your new live-in boyfriend and he receives a mysterious phone call, says two words, hangs up, then turns to you sheepishly, which of the following is the appropriate course of action?

A. Ignore the call and cue up a new match.

B. Ask, “Whatsamatter, babycakes? Tell mama.”

C. Say, “You are not going to the bar tonight. No way, no how.”

If you answered A, B, or C, you should check out Fox’s new series Traffic Light. It about three best guy friends at varying steps in their love lives who basically sneak off to the bar, hide in their cars, and indulge in three-way-speakerphone calls all in an effort to seek refuge from their significant others. In Mike’s (David Denman) case, the S.O. is his type-A wife; in Adam’s (Nelson Franklin) case, the S.O. is his newly-acquired roommate, his girlfriend; and in Ethan’s (Kris Marshall) case, the S.O. is Carl. Carl, a fat little bulldog. And in each case, they are all busted by their S.O.s. Repeatedly.

Traffic Light premieres tonight at 9:30/8:30c, only on Fox!

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