New Street Cart Finally Lets Dogs in on the Froyo Trend
LatestFroyo! It’s not just the punchline in a joke about things ladies like anymore — it’s now a snack for dogs, too! Yappy Treats, a cart selling small-batch frozen yogurt for dogs will begin appearing in various locations around New York City this weekend. (Locations are tweeted here.)
Yappy Treats owner and creator Laura Diaz will be providing dog friendly flavors such as tuna-carob and peanut butter-banana-carob in easily lickable containers. She creates the froyo herself, using her own dogs Sisu and Merlin as taste testers.
“Sisu is the spokesdog and Merlin is the VP of quality control,” she jokingly told DNAinfo New York.
I don’t know — I’ve repeatedly seen dogs eat their own shit, so I say that all three are working too hard.
Doggy Frozen Yogurt Cart Debuts in City Parks This Weekend [DNAinfo New York]
Image via Swell Photography/Shutterstock.