As you probably know, Gwyneth Paltrow and Shrek have many things in common, one of which is that they were both in Shakespeare in Love. Another is that they are both like onions. A layer of Gwynnie was peeled away when she revealed to British Cosmopolitan that she has occasionally imbibed things that the rest of us Muggles do, although undoubtedly the artisanal versions and not like, Kraft singles.
“I love Starbucks – I’ll have a cappuccino. My guilty snack in the UK is cheese, and in America, things on buns: a lobster roll and French fries, or a turkey burger with cheese.”
Wow! I bet she eats lovely dark chocolate like Mast chocolate bars! Then the moment is over.
“I stock up on products from French pharmacies. They have amazing burn creams and makeup removers… I also have a [radio-frequency-based] facial treatment called Thermage, which makes a big difference – it’s nice to boost collagen.
Fun fact: Standing near Gwyneth actually boosts your collagen by proximity. [Page Six]
- A Canadian construction company much cooler than American construction companies zinged Kim Klardarshinun. [TMZ]
- A guy tried to extort Paula Deen for $250,000 or else he would release some “damning statements” she made, which is hilarious/redundant because she already did that herself. [TMZ]
- Katy Perry and John Mayer matched on America Birthday. Barf. [TMZ]
- Pauly D. is glad nobody can wear saggy pants in New Jersey anymore so do not cry yourself to sleep tonight because you aren’t sure how Pauly D. felt about that. [TMZ]
- Matthew Knowles got remarried to a Woman Now Known Only As Stepmomcé. [TMZ]
- This is what Mariah Carey named her dogs. “The Good Reverend Pow Jackson, Pipitty L. Jackson (the girl) & Mutley P. Gore Jackson the 3rd!!!” Okay. [People]
- Tori Spelling’s gay uncles got married. [People]
- Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are maybe back together. [TMZ]
- Jennifer Love Hewitt quit Twitter because of the negativity. I hear you, Amanda Beckett. [Page Six]
- Taylor Swift was happy, confused and lonely at the same time on America Birthday. [Us Weekly]
- Jenny McCarthy might replace Joy Behar on The View. [Us Weekly]
- Lena Dunham and Jack Antonoff were at the White House barbeque on America Birthday. [Us Weekly]
- Emmy Rossum broke up with her boyfriend. [Page Six]
Image via Getty
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