Pimps Use Alessandra Ambrosio's Image To Sell Actual Sex


Politicians in Queens, New York are trying to ban the distribution on the street of cards advertising prostitution. Thus far unnoticed: Victoria’s Secret model Alessandra Ambrosio’s image being used on some of them. We’re going to take a wild guess and suppose Ambrosio’s unaware of this.

State senator Jose Peralta said Sunday of the so-called “Chica Chica” cards — because apparently the gentlemen handing them out on the avenue whisper those words— that “these cards are being traded like baseball cards.” Allegedly school children are picking them up too, so Peralta and another lawmaker are introducing legislation that would punish distribution of the cards with up to a year in jail and a $1000 fine. Unfortunately for them, there’s that whole First Amendment thing, as the Queens DA has already reminded them.

So maybe legislation isn’t the answer — maybe a cease and desist letter from Ambrosio’s lawyer is the answer. Sure, Ambrosio’s job involves selling the suggestion of sex, but it’s fully within her rights to not have her image used to sell actual sex. We dropped the lawyer an email and will let you know if we hear anything.

Pols Aim To Give Sex Cards The Hook [NYDN]
Business Cards For Prostitutes Popping Up In Queens [CBS Local]

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