Report: It's Been a Cruel (Cruel) Cruel Summer for Tiffany Trump


Hot summer streets and the pavements are burning for Tiff-a-ny.

The president’s younger daughter was spotted at a bunch of London clubs on Wednesday night with mother Marla Maples, People reports.

A source tells People that Tiffany’s been having “a rough summer.” (Cruel. Cruel? Cruel.) She’s kind of upset about all the “negative attention” her dad got last week upon arriving in London for an official state visit, where a big baby blimp in her father’s likeness floated above the city and protesters called him “fascist scum.” Also, she just broke up with her boyfriend! Lea-ving her there! on her own! with mother Marla Maples.

“The breakup with her longtime boyfriend is still bothering her,” the source told People. “All the negative attention on her dad is stressing her out and she’s just not been doing well lately.”

When reached for comment, a spokesperson for Tiffany denied these allegations of a cruel (cruel!) cruel summer. “Tiffany is doing incredibly well,” they told People. “She had a terrific first year at Georgetown Law and is currently working this summer as a research assistant for Law Professor Shon Hopwood.”

A cruel (cruel) cruel summer?

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