Rihanna's New Video Celebrates Ball-Gags, Whips & Latex


RiRi frolics with blow-up dolls and sings, “Sex in the air. I don’t care. I love the smell of it. Sticks and stones may break my bones but chains and whips excite me.” BDSM enthusiast, or attempting to be edgy?

Perhaps both. Who knows? It’s notable, though, following her assault by Chris Brown, that in the video for “S&M,” she’s interested in exploring consensual acts of violence and aggression, and finding pleasure in pain. Although she does appear bound in the video (as well as literally restrained by the media), mostly she plays the role of a dominant, perhaps to prove (or remind us) that she’s the one in control. (We previously saw her asserting herself as dangerous and in charge in the video for “Hard.”) Is this the desire of one who’s been called a victim? To recast oneself as authoritative and commanding? (As for Perez Hilton as a submissive, let us not speak of this.)

Of course, in the age of Gaga and Ke$ha, it’s possible Rihanna just wanted to do something “shocking.” But of all the topics she could have chosen, a fetish associated with injury and hurt is an interesting choice. Or maybe that’s just reaching. Something to ponder as you watch her fellate a banana!

Rihanna: ‘S&M’ Video Premiere! [Just Jared]

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