The First Suspiria Trailer Is Here, Let the Nightmares Begin
Entertainment“When I saw the original movie 32 years ago, the emotion I felt was so strong, so mind-blowing, and so important to my upbringing. I wanted to investigate the experience I had watching that film,” the director told Criterion last year.
Based on early word, this Suspiria may be even more brutal than its predecessor. Amazon played footage from Guadagnino’s Suspiria at CinemaCon in April during which Dakota Johnson’s character’s dancing has a voodoo-doll effect on a peer. “Every pirouette she pulls off has gruesome consequences for a dancer in another studio — as Johnson practices, the other young woman is literally ripped apart, descending into a mess of broken bones, urine, spittle, and blood,” is how Variety described it. “It’s intense, to put it mildly.”
Gives you something to look forward to all summer! Amazon will release Suspiria on November 2.