The Real World: Chet Sees A Naked Woman For The First Time


The roommates took a trip to Atlantic City (have you noticed that there was no big vacation this season?). Feeling feisty, Chet pulled the covers off of a naked sleeping Devyn.

Chet—a virgin Mormon—professed his glee at having seen a naked woman for the first time ever. The incident kinda reminded me of season 2, in L.A., when David pulled the covers off of Tami, sparking the infamous “It wasn’t NOT funny” fight. However, Devyn didn’t seem bothered by the prank at all.

But everyone on this cast seems to be good-natured, which made this season so refreshing in comparison to the last 12 casts or so, who have done nothing but get wasted, fight, hook up with each other, and work at fake jobs. This season’s biggest fight was over dirty dishes. No one slut-shamed anyone, no one hit anyone else, and everyone explored their own interests.

I thought that it was super sweet that the roommates were so upset about Ryan being called back to Iraq. They had been concerned all season about his PTSD, and were afraid that another deployment would worsen his psychological condition, and knock him off his track of returning to school and pursuing his dreams when/if he returns home. They decided to get him a journal so that he could constantly remind himself of his future goals. They also all wrote messages to him in the journal, to remind him how much he means to them. I wonder how these sensitive people will mesh with the party pricks on the Challenges.

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