The Transparent Creator's Acceptance Speech Was a Win In Itself 


Sometimes Hollywood does good. Transparent, one of my personal favorite TV moments of 2014, picked up the Golden Globe for Best TV Comedy, and director Jill Soloway’s acceptance speech was spot-on:

I want to thank the trans community. They are our family and they make this possible. This award is dedicated to the memory of Leelah Alcorn, and too many trans people who died too young. And it’s dedicated to you, my trans parent, my “mapa,” if you’re watching at home right now. I want to thank you for coming out because in doing so you made a break for freedom, you told your truth, you taught me how to tell my truth and make this show, and maybe we’ll be able to teach the world something about authenticity and truth and love. To love.

You can read our interview with Transparent actress Alexandra Billings here.

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