There Were Snakes And Ladders At New York City's Ballet Ball
LatestThe School of American Ballet‘s Winter Ball at New York’s Lincoln Center last night was a classic, elegant society event. And no, we don’t know why Moby was there.
The Good:
Kate Davidson Hudson does classic benefit chic.
I like the classic “Jezebel” connotations of a red grown like Gillian Miniter’s!
Okay, so together they’re a bit Christmassy, but both Liz Peek and Pamela Joyner are socialite-perfect!
The Bad:
I do love that Sarah Jessica Parker changes it up so much… but this is not an argument for literal snakeskin! Or these shoes.
Ok, Stacey Bendet Eisner: moratorium on all bandage, Band-Aid or first-aid inspired gowns, plz!
Crystle Stewart’s bold gamble: fun, or fail?
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