Watch All the Worst Jokes from the Premiere of Dads


There’s been plenty of controversy over Fox’s new show Dads, but before this week, the only proof that it was a horrible show was from the critics who written angrily about it. Well, the premiere aired Tuesday evening and if you can judge a show from just one episode (which Fox and the creators of Dads really don’t want you to do), it is utterly not worth watching. That said: here’s a supercut of all the best jokes that involve racism, sexism and complete unoriginality that you missed out on if you spent your Tuesday doing something more worthwhile than watching a crap TV show.

Perhaps there is something to look forward to: Dads co-creator Alec Sulkin told The Hollywood Reporter that future episodes make it clear that Brenda Song’s character is “a person of great importance around that office”:

If that didn’t come across as clearly as we had hoped in the pilot, it’s definitely something we’ve addressed in the next few episodes. It becomes painfully clear that these guys are a mess without her. It’s something from the pilot we kind of had to recalibrate.

Keep watching, especially if you’d like to see more of Brenda Song saving the day, one dick pic at a time.

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