16 And Pregnant: Pro-Life Dad Says His Pregnant Teen Had "No Choice"


Valerie was adopted, as were 8 of her 11 siblings. Her parents—who are pro-life—also took in 98 foster children. So when Valerie became pregnant, her father said, “She had no choice, the way I saw it.”

While Valerie’s father’s statement is sort of offensive, it’s kind of hard to hate on someone who talks the talk (despite the fact that he actually gets “pro-life” and “pro-choice” mixed up) and walks the walk. Having taken in over 100 orphaned children, at least they’re the kind of pro-lifers who don’t stop caring about babies after they’re born. However, 16-year-old Valerie admitted that all of the children in her household left her feeling neglected, which she says led to some bad behavior in her attempt to get attention, namely, dating a boy her parents didn’t like, having unprotected sex with him, and ultimately, getting pregnant.

Valerie said that not knowing her biological parents convinced her to not give her baby up for adoption, and instead, raise it herself, along with her boyfriend Matt.

Except Matt is kind of a tool, and doesn’t really want to believe that the baby is his.

Really, he’s just a prince of a guy.

But Matt eventually decided that he needed to step up to the plate—9 months into the pregnancy—and get a job. In this clip, he tells Valerie about how he “did a lot of thought” on the matter, and realized that he should move an hour away to find work, because he had an epiphany of sorts: “What I’m doing influences what happens to me.”

Matt did show up for the birth of their daughter Neveah (“heaven” spelled backwards). The baby experienced some complications when she inhaled some of her own fecal matter in the womb and had to be taken, by helicopter, to a larger hospital. In the end, she recovered, Matt went back to chase his dreams in Delaware, and Valerie stated that she was “99% sure” that they’d one day live as a family.

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