It’s a great day to be an absolute piece of shit young person. Aaron Coleman has won his race and earned a seat in the Kansas House of Representatives, according to KSHB. A little refresher on the new 20-year-old representative: After winning his nomination, Coleman admitted to “bullying, revenge porn, and blackmail[ing] of multiple girls while in middle school,” after accusations had surfaced from former classmates. On the heels of this admission, Coleman said he would drop out of the race but then changed his mind, claiming that those actions were several years old and not who he was anymore. But then Coleman’s former girlfriend told the Intercept that in 2019, just a year ago, Coleman had tried to choke her after an argument—to which Coleman responded via text to his ex that he did not choke her, he only “smacked” her. Coleman then allegedly sent verbally abusive text messages to the young woman after they’d broken up. Now, Coleman is an elected representative of the very same women he admitted to harassing.
Coleman—who is a Democrat, unfortunately—won the election where he ran, unopposed, by over 3,000 votes; about 2,000 votes went to two write-in candidates, one Republican and another Democrat. According to a 2018 Census, Kansas’ 37th district had a population of over 79,000. Of all those thousands of people, there was apparently not a single other person, not a one, more qualified or more interested in running for this position, leaving room for someone whose brain isn’t even fully developed to have a government seat.
Kansas, girl, are you okay? Do you need help? Blink twice if you’re being held hostage.