Alec Baldwin Is an Embarrassing Dad Who Sends Embarrassing Texts


Alec Baldwin is the ultimate lurker when it comes to his daughter Ireland. The 19-year-old posted a screenshot of a text from her father where he links to an Entertainment Tonight item speculating about Ireland and filmmaker Tao Ruspoli. Baldwin then jokingly (?) interrogates his daughter, asking if she’s now going to get married and if Baldwin is going to be a grandfather. How embarrassing! But not too embarrassing, since Ireland posted it for the world to see.

Via Us Weekly, Ireland captioned the Instagram post, “This is what happens when you get coffee with friends. You get coffee and then you get pregnant and then it spirals out of control from there… #morningtextswithdad #whotakesphotosofpeopleat7am #ihateeveryone”

I see Alec Baldwin has his read receipts turned on. Interesting.

Ruspoli, 39, is the ex-husband of Olivia Wilde, who is now married to Jason Sudeikis. I must admit, this whole thing just made me miss the era of Ireland Baldwin and Angel Haze.

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Image via Getty.

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