Amy Schumer Corrected Old Man Aaron Sorkin After He Said the Internet Made Us 'Meaner and Dumber'
LatestAaron Sorkin, Academy Award-winning screenwriter who likes writing movies about technology, hates the internet. Sorkin has shared his hated of the internet so often that I almost believe it’s all he thinks about—that he’s constantly roaming the dark hallways of his home mumbling things like, “Fucking facegram,” and, “Fucking snaptweet.”
And that’s fine! Disliking the internet is OK. But here’s the thing, I’m not sure if Sorkin really knows what the internet is. Past actions like criticizing a woman who wrote a negative review of The Newsroom by calling her “Internet Girl,” and writing characters who refer to internet users as “the nocturnal nut brigade” suggest that he believes the internet is a place filled exclusively with text-based communication between antisocial haters who never sleep. I almost believe he thinks the internet still looks like it did in The Net:
But in his most recent public display of internet hatred, someone was there to quietly suggest that his opinion is, well, dumb and wrong. That person was Amy Schumer.
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter about “sexism and how to deal with Steve Jobs’s widow,” (g-g-g-g-g-gulp!) the two famous writers had this exchange:
SORKIN: The Internet in general I find troubling. The anonymity has made us all meaner and dumber. This thing that was supposed to bring us closer together, I see it doing the opposite.
SCHUMER: The things that you’re afraid they’re going to say are so much worse than anything they actually say. But you’ve already put your nervous system through that fear. With Trainwreck coming out, I was like, “Everyone’s going to say, ‘She’s not pretty enough to be in this movie.’ “ And then only one dude wrote that, and people really attacked him, and then he redacted that and wanted to date me. I’ve been waiting for this rainstorm of hate, and it’s never really come.
That some tech-fearing man who likes screaming at computers is trying to argue that the internet—a place where you can make friends, meet someone to love and/or have sex with, find jobs, communicate with anyone on the planet with a wifi connection, and order pizza without getting off the couch—hasn’t brought us together is sort of unfathomable in 2015.
Get a Twitter account, Aaron. Let’s DM. I’ll show you all of the great things about the internet, like this.
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Image via Getty / screengrab.