Ballet Truthers Are Coming for this Free People Ad


To my untrained eye – sure, this woman could pass as if she’s been ballet dancing since she was three. I would fixate more on the shabby-chic clothes that the advertisement is shilling.

However, dancers have been flooding Free People’s YouTube channel and Facebook page with outraged comments at trying to pass the video subject off as a skilled ballet dancer. Some of the comments read:

“Has she been TRAINED????? Her feet are TERRIBLE, her lines are TERRIBLE… I could go on. This is OFFENSIVE to dancers out there. You went and decided to cast some local ‘ballet dancer’ because she had your look. Shame on you, there are plenty of professionals out there that would have looked stunning in this.”
“Please take this shit down.”
“This is genuinely offensive to people who are actually dancers. It’s clear she hasn’t been dancing since she was three … next time hire a professional to model dance-wear.”

The Adweek story that this post quotes has also turned into an outlet for people’s ire:

Your move Free People.

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