Bomb Threat At Illinois High School Traced to Angry Teacher


Last week, a frightening note was found at Calhoun County High School in Hardin, Illinois. The note, which read “KABOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im tired of all the people here. Everyone is going down, the school will b n flames” was found in the women’s bathroom of the school, leading authorities to evacuate the building and do a sweep for explosives. Fortunately, there were no explosives to be found and the note writer was quickly apprehended. She was a teacher at the school.

According to The Chicago Tribune, no information has been released as to how the note was traced to special education instructor Michelle Lynn Smith, but it could have been the content, which described other instructors showing favoritism and not doing anything to help others.

“If I had certain names I would not have the truble I do,” the letter said. “Don’t matter, this place sucks and will not be here for long. So long and GOOD-BYE!!!!!!!!!”

This note may have never been meant to be found (teaching is difficult and channeling your feelings into writing is a useful self-care skill ), but it’s also not something Smith should have ever been penning at school. And if she did mean for the note to be seen by others, then it’s important that she gets the help that she needs while the students she work with are being taught in a safe environment.

“Actions such as these cause not only massive wastes of law enforcement resources, but strike fear into the hearts of parents and students alike,” Stephen Wigginton, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Illinois, said in a statement. “Because children should feel safe in their schools, we take these charges very seriously.”

Smith will appear in federal court this week and faces up to five years in prison and a $500,000 fine for conveying a false threat. She has also been put on paid administrative leave while the case is being investigated.

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