Celebrate Easter With These Creepy Photos Of Hot People in Bunny Heads


I don’t know how you’re celebrating Easter (I celebrate it the next day with bags of slightly crushed chocolate eggs that were 75% off) (and which I slightly crushed myself), but Nerve is doing it with an intricately-curated gallery of half-naked people in bunny heads.

Here’s just one of the WTF photos that is sure to give you a holiday nightmare.

The rest of the gallery can be viewed here.

I honestly have no idea what to think of this. On one hand, I’m impressed that so many of these photos look artistic (check out them filters), but on the other I’m concerned that so many people had the idea of taking off all their clothes and putting on the head of an easter bunny costume. Is this the beginning of a new meme? Are bunny heads this year’s horse heads? How long will these images haunt you? And lastly: Anyone else have an immediate flashback to watching The Shining as a kid?

Lead Image via Shutterstock

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